House Wassenaar (Schouwweg)


€ 14,500 per month

580m² - 11 rooms

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Modern detached villa (2010) with heated pool, pool house, garage and carport. Located on a beautiful dune site in a distinguished villa neighborhood. The villa has an area of approximately 580 m2 and stands on a plot of approximately 4,488 m2. All bedrooms have private bathrooms and the children's bedrooms have a lounge, a loft like bedroom and a complete modern bathroom with walk-in shower and sink. The master bedroom has a dressing room, bedroom and a complete modern bathroom with double shower, bidet and 2 sinks. The basement has a gym with a full spa, a music room, a chill room and a freight elevator. The living quarters consist of a sitting room, dining room, study and a 2nd living room with fireplace. The eat-in kitchen has built-in appliances, a large island and French doors to the terrace and garden. The garden is beautifully landscaped, sunny and has a large heated pool. The house is available and has an energy label A.

Properties house


€ 14,500 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



Broker/commercial landlord

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Amenities nearby

Restaurant - Bodega 't Schouwtje

79 m

Cinema - Cultureel Centrum Voorschoten

4.3 km

University - De Horeca Academie

6.4 km

Elementary school - Basisschool Herenweg

1.5 km

High school - S. Adelbert College voor Lyceum havo en mavo

3.1 km

Hospital - Medisch Centrum Haaglanden Antoniushove

4.3 km

Airport - Rotterdam the Hague Airport

20.6 km

Tourist attraction - Backershagen: Tuinkoepel in Wassenaar

80 m

Train station - Voorschoten

3.7 km

Cafe - Rickies Feest

1.6 km

Location of this house

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House Schouwweg in Wassenaar

House Wassenaar



€ 14,500 per month

580m² - 11 rooms

Not required


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