House Sint Joost (Merelstraat)


€ 1,650 per month

155m² - 5 rooms

Verified landlord
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Characteristic detached house in Sint Joost of 155 m2 for rent for € 1,650 per month. The house has 4 bedrooms, a new kitchen, bathroom, spacious living room, renovated garage and spacious garden. Recently partially renovated with new central heating, stucco, electricity and more. Located in lively village with several amenities nearby such as schools and supermarkets. Ample parking on site and public road. Plot of 785m2, available from June 30, 2024. Deposit of two months rent required. Lease period up to two years, no structural changes without landlord's consent.

Properties house


€ 1,650 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



Broker/commercial landlord

Register municipality


Amenities nearby

Supermarket - Nettorama

2.0 km

Train station - Susteren

6.7 km

Restaurant - Chinees-Indisch Specialiteiten Restaurant Kam Po

12 m

Cinema - Royal Service Bioscoop

2.4 km

University - Berkelaar University Of Guido Heijmans

2.1 km

Cafe - 'T Patronaat

28 m

Elementary school - Rooms-Katholieke Basisschool Maria Goretti

16 m

High school - Connect College

1.8 km

Hospital - Steunpunt Laurentius Echt-Susteren

1.5 km

Airport - Maastricht Aachen Airport

24.1 km

Tourist attraction - Avonturenpark Valdeludo

1.2 km

Location of this house

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House Merelstraat in Sint Joost

House Sint Joost



€ 1,650 per month

155m² - 5 rooms

Not required


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