Apartment Lochem (Barchemseweg)


€ 1,410 per month

151m² - 3 rooms

Verified landlord
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As of April 16, apartment Barchemseweg 113 in Lochem is for rent. This apartment is suitable for seniors from 60 years who can live independently. The apartment consists of an entrance, meter cupboard, toilet, two bedrooms each with its own bathroom, a living room with open kitchen and a storage room. There is also a private storage room in the basement. To qualify, the gross monthly income must be at least 4 times the rent. Interested parties should register on nmgwonen.nl for free and without obligation and can respond to the property via the website. With multiple responses, the property will be assigned to the best-suited candidate based on entry. Registrants are automatically notified by e-mail of available properties that meet their housing needs. Please note that photos and information may differ from reality.

Properties apartment


€ 1,410 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



Broker/commercial landlord

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Amenities nearby

Supermarket - PLUS Cornelis

86 m

Restaurant - Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Scheperskamp

55 m

Cafe - Cafe Bousema

59 m

Cinema - Lochemse Schouwburg

75 m

Elementary school - Meester G. Propschool

30 m

High school - Staring College Regionale Scholengemeenschap Voor Ath Gymn Havo Vmbo

1.8 km

Hospital - Gelre Zutphen

14.1 km

Airport - Teuge International Airport

27.2 km

Tourist attraction - Watertoren Lochem

40 m

Train station - Lochem

1.6 km

Location of this apartment

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Apartment Barchemseweg in Lochem

Apartment Lochem



€ 1,410 per month

151m² - 3 rooms

Not required


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