Apartment Hoogeveen (van Echtenstraat)


€ 800 per month

45m² - 2 rooms

Verified landlord
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In the center of Hoogeveen is a renovated 2-room apartment on the second floor with a sunny south-facing loggia. The house is gasless and largely renovated in 2024, including the kitchen, bathroom and heating system. On the first floor there is an entrance with a staircase leading upstairs. On the second floor you will find a hallway with closet and access to the roof terrace, a living room overlooking the Van Echtenstraat, a bedroom, a kitchen with induction hob and a bathroom with shower, sink and toilet. Details include exclusive advance payments for water and electricity, service costs, one month bank guarantee, minimum rental period of 1 year and no pets allowed. Potential tenants must meet various documentation to be considered, including personal information, ID, pay stubs, employer statement and bank statement with recent salary deposit.

Properties apartment


€ 800 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



Broker/commercial landlord

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Amenities nearby

Elementary school - Obs Villa Kakelbont

21 m

Restaurant - Restaurant Ohrid

8 m

Cafe - Mel's Café

26 m

Cinema - Vue Hoogeveen

17 m

University - Durf Te Verbinden

60 m

High school - Roelof Van Echten College

79 m

Hospital - Bethesda Hospital

1.5 km

Airport - Hoogeveen Airport

2.7 km

Tourist attraction - Pierebad Van Gerard Doustraat

90 m

Train station - Hoogeveen

1.1 km

Supermarket - Jumbo Hoogeveen Tamboerpassage

27 m

Location of this apartment

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Apartment van Echtenstraat in Hoogeveen

Apartment Hoogeveen

van Echtenstraat


€ 800 per month

45m² - 2 rooms

Not required


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