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What is special about a temporary rental contract?

What is special about a temporary rental contract?

A temporary rental contract differs from an open-ended contract in a number of ways.
The main difference is that the landlord can terminate the lease with effect from the end date of the contract. He has to do this on time (the notice period for this is a number of months), and if this does not happen, so if the rent is continued after the end date, it automatically becomes an indefinite contract.
A second difference is that the tenant is not allowed to leave before the end of the contract. If you sign a temporary contract you are obliged to pay the rent for the full period.

By the way, a rental contract for a definite period is subject to strict rules. For example, the contract must state why the rent is only for a definite period. There are two valid reasons:

- If the landlord wants to live in it after the end of the rental period;
- If the landlord has agreed with the previous tenant that he or she will return to the residence/room at the end of the period.

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