Apartment Diemen (Gerrit Rietveldsingel)


€ 1,556 per month

93m² - 3 rooms

Verified landlord
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Holland Park is a beautiful urban plan with water, greenery and canals. The quiet and green surroundings offer a nice place to live that is easily accessible. The complex consists of 360 rental apartments ranging from 45 m2 to 143 m2, with something for everyone. The apartments are modern and fully equipped including an open kitchen, luxury bathroom and storage room. Conveniently located near Amsterdam, with good access to the city center and highways. To rent, income guidelines apply where the gross monthly salary must be 4 times the rent for single earners and 50% of the second income for dual earners. Registration as a housing seeker with a complete profile is required. The rental agreement is for 12 months and then terminable monthly with one month's notice. Please note, pictures shown are of a model home. All information provided is indicative.

Properties apartment


€ 1,556 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



Broker/commercial landlord

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Amenities nearby

Supermarket - Jumbo Diemen Kruidenhof

57 m

Restaurant - Jacob's Kitchen

13 m

Cafe - The Dude

73 m

Train station - Verrijn Stuartweg

21 m

Cinema - Pathé Arena

2.3 km

University - Hogeschool Inholland

28 m

Elementary school - Openbare Basisschool Het Atelier

65 m

High school - IJburg College Voor Vwo Havo Mavo En Vbo

3.7 km

Hospital - Academisch Medisch Centrum

4.0 km

Airport - Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

13.7 km

Tourist attraction - Kinderboerderij Gliphoeve

92 m

Location of this apartment

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Apartment Gerrit Rietveldsingel in Diemen

Apartment Diemen

Gerrit Rietveldsingel


€ 1,556 per month

93m² - 3 rooms

Not required


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